
Bonding case 1
Bonding is one of Dr Andersson’s personal favourites. He can very easily Close gaps, change the shape of teeth and repair chipped teeth with this NON INVASIVE technique. No injection is necessary for this treatment. It is totally painless, done instantly, and often a lot quicker and cheaper than other treatment options. Bonding is a way of adding material on to the tooth and then shaping and polishing it to the required shape. The composite material used is totally matched to your tooth and after final polishing you would never know it was not there naturally to start with.

Bonding case 2
Bleaching the teeth before doing the bonding is always a nice way to start as the final result will look so much brighter and healthier. As you can see, we have aligned the teeth with the bonding technique without using a brace first. In many cases with bonding alone we can create rotated teeth or set back teeth to appear straight immediately. Note the change in alignment on both her teeth on either side of the front teeth. Also by changing the angle of the edge on the front teeth we can create a more harmonious smile. We call this the smile line. The smile line should follow the curve of the lower lip. In this case we started with a negative smile line, the opposite of the curve of the lower lip.

Bonding case 3
Worn down front teeth is a sign of age. Just lenghtening the wear on 4 front teeth makes a huge impact on our appearance and takes years of our age.

Tooth coloured fillings
Slide the white arrow line from side to side to see how much nicer and healthier a tooth coloured filling look compared to the old Black Amalgam Mercury fillings.

Veneer case 1
This lovely woman had not wanted to smile in front of other people for years because she disliked her teeth so much. Her sister took her to see me and together we decided that Veneers was a good option for her to give her the joy of smiling back.

Veneer case 2
In this case we have changed the old yellow opaque worn down veneers with lighter more translucent and natural veneers.

Veneer case 3
This is a combination case of various treatments, including rootcanals of the two lower incisors where you see the actual crown being all broken off but the root remaining. We then did posts and crowns on these 2 lower front teeth and veneers on the rest of the teeth.
The patient wanted to keep his natural tooth color as he felt this was more appropriate for his age. This is of course a totally personal choice and we could have easily gone a lot lighter.

Veneer case 4
A pretty straight forward upper veneer case included bleaching.

Veneer case 5
4 upper veneers to change the shape and size of his old filled teeth and also correcting the color of the internally stained upper right front tooth.

Veneers/ crowns and Implant case:
A mixture of treatments is often necessary to restore the whole smile and function of the teeth.

Invisalign case 1:
This is a combination case of Invisalign, Bleaching and Bonding After straightening and bleaching his teeth we did bonding of 6 upper teeth and 3 lower front teeth. On the lower front teeth there was only a small amount of wear, but the pride and joy you often take in your teeth and smile after straightening and bleaching of your teeth sometimes makes you want to take the extra step and take care of the small imperfections too.

Invisalign case 2:
This is straightening of the teeth alone. Note how the upper gum line has followed the movement of the teeth with the straightening and the expansion of the upper arch has given a wider smile.

Invisalign case 3:
A straight forward alignment of the teeth to create a fantastic smile.
Facial Aesthetics

Dermal fillers in lips.
Often having your lips plumped up is associated with an unnatural look of a “duck-like” pout. In our clinic we work more with the subtle changes of restoring the lips to our original shape and plumpness by adding what has been lost over the years. In this instance she did not like how the lipstick had started to leak in to the the lines formed in the lip line so we mainly added to the lip line but with a small additional volume of the upper and lower body of the lip as well.

Dermal fillers for Cheek and Nasiolabial lines
By adding volume to the cheek and cheek bone we also lift the nasiolabial heaviness (the area from the corner of the nose to the corner of the lip) Especially men over a certain age that stay fit and go to the gym and keep their body in good trim, pay the price by loosing volume in the face which leads to a more drawn and old appearance of the face. Now we don't have to choose between body OR face but can stay in good bodily shape AND have a youthful looking face by adding dermal filler to the areas of the face where we loose the fat pads that are important for the youthful and healthy appearance.

Male lip enhancement
Not only women want to restore their lips to their former glory, or slightly enhance it. We see as many men as women these day for rejuvenating the lips.

Male lip enhancement
Not only women want to restore their lips to their former glory, or slightly enhance it. We see as many men as women these day for rejuvenating the lips.

Antiwrinkle treatment (Botulinum Toxin A)
Botulinum Toxin A is not just for getting rid of wrinkles. With age also comes the heaviness of the upper eye lid, but with Botulinum Toxin A we can raise the lid and the brow as well as reducing the crows feet at the same time. Note how much more awake and alert the eye look after raising the brow and eyelid. We still have maintained a few but now finer lines around the eye for the natural appearance to avoid the mask like appearance that people fear comes with the territory of botulinum toxin A

Dermal fillers in cheek alone
My lovely patient that I have seen for dental treatment for many years decided to try dermal fillers in the cheek. Half an hour later with 2ml of fillers in the cheek alone, she got an amazing lift of the nasiolabial line (line from nose to mouth)

Obagi treatment of the skin
With an Obagi skin care regime we can achieve an amazing transformation of the skin. It will help soften or get rid of the sun damage brown spots. It will also restart the collagen production that naturally stops at the age of 25. Fine lines will also be improved and a new lustre of the skin will make for a fresher younger look of the skin.